Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Keeping track is hard

Hmm....not doing a very good job taking photos of finshed projects and works in progress. I need to get organized. It's such a shame to make so many things and not have any type of record of them.

I'm currently working on a sweater for Andy. It's from a 1950s pattern so the hope is that the fit will suit him. Weighing in at a massive 142lbs, he's hard to knit for. He has fairly broad shoulders, but is very slim. Many modern men's knitting patterns aren't designed to be fitted and Andy prefers to wear fitted clothing.

I WILL take pictures tonight of the back, which is finished, and the right front, which is about halfway done.

I started shaping the front by knitting two stitches together for the decrease. Then I decided the slip, slip, knit approach was nicer and neater. But I decided to keep going and wasn't going to change the first few decreases. Then, I got almost to the top shoulder shaping, but hadn't completed enough front-edge decreases. I am matching the rows to the total # of rows in the back and should have started the front shaping 10 rows earlier than I did. So I decided to pull it back and start the decrease rows again. I'll be happier for it in the long run. Plus, I can use the SSK decrease for all decrease rows and the finished product will look much nicer!

It's knit on #5 needles with a DK weight alpaca yarn so the going is a little slow. The front seemed to sail by though -- compared to the back, which seemed like it never would be finished. I started working on the project back in October and thought if it was ready for Christmas it could be a Christmas gift. Or, if it was finished after Christmas, it could become a birthday gift (Andy's birthday is January 8th). Now, I just want to get it finished so I can start on another project!


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